Dominic O Osumo

Dominic O Osumo

Group Managing Director at ARiS


Group Managing Director at ARiS (ARiS Risk & Insurance Solutions Limited)

Fellow (FCII) of the Chartered Insurance Institute of London and Chartered Insurance Broker of the same institute.

Has over 32 years’ experience in the insurance practice.

Started his career in Kenya with Pan Africa Insurance Company Ltd (now APA Insurance) in 1988, which at the time was one of the oldest composite insurance companies in East Africa. Subsequently worked with Jubilee Insurance Co. (K) Ltd and later Royal Insurance Company of East Africa

In 1998, he was seconded to set up Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance, Tanzania Ltd (now Britam Insurance Tanzania Ltd).

He has been part of the liberalized insurance industry in Tanzania from its very inception.

He has attended many training programmes for highly complex classes of insurance such as aviation, oil & gas, engineering, amongst others in Kenya, South Africa, USA, Switzerland, USA and the United Kingdom.

He has been Chair of the Technical Committee of the Tanzania Insurance Brokers Association (TIBA), which guides TIBA on technical matters affecting the brokers and by extension the service to clients and remains an active member.

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